Modify the node colors in an existing 'sigmaNet' object by providing one of the following: (1) a single color to use for all nodes or; (2) a vertex attribute from your original 'igraph' object. If you are using a vertex attribute, you can also specify a color palette from the 'RColorBrewer' package.

addNodeColors(sigmaObj, oneColor = NULL, colorAttr = NULL,
  colorPal = "Dark2")



A 'sigmaNet' object - created using the 'sigmaFromIgraph' function


A single color to color all of the nodes (hex format)


An attribute from the original 'igraph' nodes to color the nodes by


The color palatte to use - only used if colorAttr is specified


A 'sigmaNet' object with modified node colors. This object can be called directly to create a visualization, or modified by additional functions.


*It is most useful to use the pipe operator from the 'magrittr' package with this function.


library(igraph) library(sigmaNet) library(magrittr) data(lesMis) l <- layout_nicely(lesMis) #one color for all nodes sig <- sigmaFromIgraph(graph = lesMis, layout = l) %>% addNodeColors(oneColor = '#D95F02') sig #color based on attribute (edge betweenness cluster) clust <- cluster_edge_betweenness(lesMis)$membership V(lesMis)$group <- clust sig <- sigmaFromIgraph(graph = lesMis, layout = l) %>% addNodeColors(colorAttr = 'group', colorPal = 'Set1') sig