Modify the node size of an existing 'sigmaNet' object by providing one of the following: (1) A single size to use for all nodes; (2) a vector of node sizes (this must be the same length as the number of nodes in the graph); or (3) a metric to use to scale the nodes.

addNodeSize(sigmaObj, minSize = 1, maxSize = 3, sizeMetric = "degree",
  sizeVector = NULL, oneSize = NULL)



A 'sigmaNet' object - created using the 'sigmaFromIgraph' function


The minimum node size on the graph (for scaling)


The maximum node size on the graph (for scaling)


The metric to use when sizing the nodes. Options are: degree, closeness, betweenness, pageRank, or eigenCentrality.


An optional vector with the sizes for each node (overrides sizeMetric and min/maxSize)


A single size to use for all nodes


A 'sigmaNet' object with modified node sizes This object can be called directly to create a visualization, or modified by additional functions.


If using the 2nd or 3rd approach, specifying the minSize and maxSize attributes will scale the nodes according to your specification, between these min- and max sizes.


library(igraph) library(sigmaNet) library(magrittr) data(lesMis) l <- layout_nicely(lesMis) #one size for all nodes sig <- sigmaFromIgraph(graph = lesMis, layout = l) %>% addNodeSize(oneSize = 3) sig #using a size attribute sig <- sigmaFromIgraph(graph = lesMis, layout = l) %>% addNodeSize(sizeMetric = 'degree', minSize = 2, maxSize = 8) sig #using a vector customSize <- log10(degree(lesMis)) sig <- sigmaFromIgraph(graph = lesMis, layout = l) %>% addNodeSize(sizeVector = customSize) sig